I remember Lee Tung Street . . .
This is an informal project documenting Lee Tung Street as it looked in June, 2005.
這是一個有關 於今日二零零五年六月利東街面貌的非官方項目。I invited viewers to share some of what they know and remember about the street on my website for the purpose of
preserving Hong Kong’s history.
為了保存香港的歷史, 我邀請您在我的網站分享一些關於你與這條街道的故事與回憶。No one was asked identify themselves, but I ask what year they first
arrived on the street to do business (as a customer or business owner).
這項目是不記名的, 但是我希望知道你是在什麼年份開始在利東街道營商 (作為顧客或業務責任人)。Click each to enlarge. All images copyright Mercury Pier 2005.
I invited many people to share what they know and remember about the street
on my website for the purpose of preserving Hong Kong’s history.
為了保存香港的歷史, 我邀請您在我的網站分享一些關於你與這條街道的故事與回憶。No one was asked to identify themselves, but I did ask what year they first arrived on the street
to do business (as a customer or business owner).
這項目是不記名的, 但是我希望知道你是在什麼年份開始在利東街道營商 (作為顧客或業務責任人)。Here are the replies I got over a two-year period - 19 June 2007.
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
My first memories of Lee Tung Street are from late 2002 when I noticed all of the protest banners (both in Chinese and English) hung over the street. I walked down the street and noticed it was full of small printing companies and later heard it referred to (in English) as "Wedding Invitation Street." I was saddened when I learned the block would be demolished to make way for . . . development. I then ended up making my business cards in one of the shops along the street in 2005.
Mark Greene
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
...very well, having walked through it many times as a child and later as I worked in the Wanchai and Admiralty areas. It was not until late 2002, though, (like Mark) that I felt a personal connection to the area. I was getting married, it was December, and the wedding was going to be March 8th! We needed invitations done immediately, and if we'd been in America it would have been far too late.
Fortunately, I suddenly remembered all of the wedding card stores in the area. As I entered each successive store, I became incredibly impressed and overwhelmed with the variety and quality of many of the invitations. It had all the "hallmarks", so to speak, of the good side of Hong Kong - incredible variety, friendly service from small, family-run businesses, a willingness to entertain almost any request from a customer, and turn-around times that'd make your head spin.
They did not begrudge my "Hao lui ha" (I'll think about it) and marching up the street to the next store - because that's what made the area special, that so many of these wonderful businesses realized there was more to be gained from being together.
People today often say how the daily News is full of nothing but trouble and disaster. What a wonderful thing it was then, to be responsible for spreading and sharing the news of such happiness. So many of Hong Kong's couples have passed through their at their happiest, yet most anxious moments, and I for one shall never forget the smiles that greeted me from Lee Tung Street from every doorway.
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……‧
她為無數的愛侶在婚前作出愛的試驗(在挑選款式時的什麽爭吵、包容) 她為無數的家庭作出傳宗接代的使命(傳統的父傳子、子傳孫的家族事業) 她老而不殘,絕對經得起時代的考驗,是灣仔的瑰寶 她的價值絕對是不能用金錢量。
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
一條歷史悠久的街道, 不太清潔, 但很有熱鬧氣氛, 我有時因工作的需要經過這條街, 感覺可不錯呢.
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
She has witnessed innumerable quarrels and moments of patience among couples choosing wedding invitations.
She has carried out her mission by passing on the family business from generation to generation.
She may be old, but she’s not ready to be tossed out.
Lee Tung Street is a Wanchai treasure; her value cannot be measured in terms of money.
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
Although I do not remember Lee Tung Street, I appreciate what it stands for, as mentioned by many others. How anyone in the Govt can think that modern high-rise buildings - just look at the ones already put up nearby Lee Tung Street - should replace a street such as Lee Tung Street is beyond imagination. What total idiots the people are who make these decisions! But fight on, I say. It can help. There have been a few successes such as Ho Kam Tong Hall and saving (has it been saved?) the old Wanchai market on Queen's Road East.
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
Wan chai is a distinctive neighborhood where new and old coexist with each other..... while the Convention and Exhibition center makes Wan Chai look like a trendy young girl, on the other side the old streets give us a mature feeling with rich heritages...
Lee Tung Street wedding card stores are famous for having enormous selections; even more popular than Golden Plaza in Prince Edwards, another famous wedding place. It is the ideal place for us to share our happiness, and it is quite shocking that our government plans to tear down our legacy, while other countries like Japan tries hard to maintain/keep their old history/culture.
If you have never been Lee Tung Street, this is the last call because most of the shops were closing, so act quick!
Rabbit C
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
I know Lee Tung Street for its renowned cluster of wedding card shops. But these special shops will be demolished in the near future under the area redevelopment policy. The renewed street may bring more economic benefits to the government but the traditional businesses and the unique characteristics of the street will be forever lost. What can we say and show of Lee Tung Street to tourists next time except some modern buildings and chain stores?
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
I always heard of Lee Tung Street but never set foot in it until early this year when I was doing a photography workshop in Wanchai. So exploring the area was one of the assignments. Perhaps the most memorable memory of the street is the tiny shops which were located on the narrow pedestrian pavement with ever flowing crowd of people. Those shops were so tiny that it made me wonder where they kept all their stuff.
It is a real pity that an area like this, which still preserves the history of Hong Kong will be demolished for the sake of 'new development'. Once it is demolished, it will be gone forever! And it will certainly take away some of the identities of HK with it.
Chris C
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
I am a univesity student now and I had been walking along Lee Tung street everyday when I was studying in my secondary school in Wan Chai. Everday my friends and I had to think of places to spend our lunchtime outside school. Sometimes we went to the small restaurants along Lee Tung Street.
It's a pity that Lee Tung Street is going to lose its uniqueness as a street in the old district very soon........
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . People smiling, children running around. A street that used to be so happy now is blocked down, tape on the windows, doors locked and put up for redevolopment. Now there are signs saying 'Give us back our home' Lee Tung Street was always so lively and now it is just gone. Taken away like a breath of air. 我對利東街的回憶是……
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . lee tung strret is home to freinds and family, playing around, having fun with there friends. cooking for the lady downstairs. hong kong, treat people like you would be wanted to be treated yourself. imagine you haved lived in a community all your life and then the government you look up too says thats i want knock down your house, move out. its their home, the place you grew up. Treat us like human beings, we do have feelings! georgia
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . lee tung strret is home to freinds and family, playing around, having fun with there friends. cooking for the lady downstairs. hong kong, treat people like you would be wanted to be treated yourself. imagine you haved lived in a community all your life and then the government you look up too says thats i want knock down your house, move out. its their home, the place you grew up. Treat us like human beings, we do have feelings! georgia
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . This is what hong kong is made of, this is the culture that people live in, were born in and have many happy memories of. Imagine. Being paid to move out, not even enough to buy a new home. Imgine travelling across the world to fine buildings instead of the culture you came for. Think.
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . I remember leetung street as a happy place. The elderly playing Majohng, children flying kites, people smiling and just enjoying the atmosphere. Imagine being in the shoes of people that are forced to relocate and have to try to find another community as cheerful as the one they used to call home. I've lived in Hong Kong for 9 years and seeing a place that means so much to being knocked down fills my heart with tears. I feel so much for the people who live and lived in lee tung street and I want all of them to know that the memories there will last with me forever.
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . I remember lee tung street as a happy place. The elderly playing Majohng, children flying kites, people smiling and just enjoying the atmosphere. Imagine being in the shoes of people that are forced to relocate and have to try to find another community as cheerful as the one they used to call home. I've lived in Hong Kong for 9 years and seeing a place that means so much to being knocked down fills my heart with tears. I feel so much for the people who live and lived in lee tung street and I want all of them to know that the memories there will last with me forever.
hong kong, not everyone is rich, wealthy and have have as much as you. people who live in lee tung street dont have very much money but the last thing that you can do to these people is to take away the only one place that they can call home. thing about that treat people they way you wanted to be treated. not every one can afford jewels, diamonds, cars. leave us alone! we are human too! try finding a new home with not much money least u can do is keep a place call home.
I remember Lee Tung Street
The one place some one can call home.
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是…… This is part of my childhood, those were the days.
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是…… It is a peaceful place, narrow, smell of the old wooden stairs, warm sunshine, long shadow and of course the lazy cats round the corners.:) Tina
I think Lee Tung Street, is a wonderful place. It has the history of years ago and is a wonderful place for the tourist to come and see the old buildings and how was the houses used to look like. I won't like to destroy it and i think the goverment should not do it too and make it as one of the places in the tourist list. Thnx
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……test
I remember Lee Tung Street . . .i am a art school in 22005 i just need there at august....but n my term one it star to close,term 2 is disapear,term 3 it will die 我對利東街的回憶是……
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . it is ugly
I Remember Lee Tung Street... It Was So Ugly that it looked like a fish times negative 10 Plus 3 Equals to = My Face. In case any one is wondering... I never been to Lee Tung Street. Toodles...hehehe skip toodles... I say bye
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
I will really really miss all those beautiful 3 storey buildings
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
First of all - JOJO's Mess!!! Probably the best Indian Restaurant in Hong Kong for a long time. I remember some great times there with my parents. More importantly however, was a shop on Lee Tung called 'Bicycle World'. They were the first, and for a long long time the only, shop in Hong Kong to sell skateboards from America. My weekend ritual consisted of going there with my skateboarding friends to flip through their sticker books and look at what new boards and wheels had come in. Great times!
Nic Tinworth
I remember Lee Tung Street . . . 我對利東街的回憶是……
I lived there for almost 30 years. I was literally born and raised on that street. My parents lived in a unit on 10/F of the high-rise at northern end of the street when I was born. We then moved to the 5/F of one of the 唐樓 at the middle of the street. And when I as around 5, we moved back to the same unit in the high rise. From there I spent all my childhood, went to school and lived there until I went to college overseas. After graduating from school I went back and lived there for a few more years until moving out from the street.
I have so much memories for that street. When I was a kid, before Hopewell center opened, there were more print shops, but most of them did not make 喜帖 at that time, they just did the printing. I didn't remember there were many restaurants and hair saloons at that time.
For some reasons, there were a lots of dog feaces on the ground when I was a kid, something I always need to pay attention when walking. There was a liquor store 龍泉 at the northern end of the street which also sold sodas, it's one of my favorite places and probably my mom's too. She always stop there for some small talks.
There were always parking meters on the street. But the vehicles used to park on the right hand side instead of the left.